Welcome to Intego VirusBarrier Server 3

Controlling Malware on a Mac OS X Server

System administrators are well aware of the threat of viruses and malware on a server. While malware on a client computer can damage files on that computer, and eventually propagate throughout a network via files that are emailed or sent over a network, a virus on a server could damage all the computers on the network. Viruses on a file server that don't affect the server itself, if it is running a different operating system from client computers, can still propagate as users copy files to their computers. Beyond viruses, many types of malware, such as worms and Trojan horses, can infect servers, potentially granting remote access to malicious users.

Mac OS X servers are used in a variety of environments, from Mac-only networks to networks containing a mixture of Macs, Windows PCs and computers running Unix or Linux systems. Protecting a Mac OS X server against viruses requires that not only Mac viruses be detected, but also Windows viruses, Word and Excel macro viruses, and Unix and Linux viruses.

VirusBarrier Server 3 provides this protection, ensuring that infected files that get onto your server don't go any further. VirusBarrier Server 3 also provides network protection, with a powerful two-way firewall, and contains features that block network attacks.

VirusBarrier Server 3 automatically scans every file that is copied to a Mac OS X Server computer where it is installed, as well as any files that are launched on the server. If it finds viruses, the infected files are quarantined, and administrators can determine which actions to take. VirusBarrier Server 3 can also be set to run scheduled scans of both local and network volumes.

VirusBarrier Server 3 also offers full protection for all e-mail that is sent or received via Mac OS X Server's built-in e-mail server. It automatically scans all e-mail messages that pass through the server, checking e-mails for infected attachments. If it finds malware, the e-mails carrying them are quarantined, and notifications can be sent to administrators informing them of this activity.

VirusBarrier Server 3's Antivandal offers a number of powerful tools to prevent network attacks, such as ping floods, intrusion attempts, port scans and more. Administrators can use the program's Blocked Address and Trusted Addresses lists to blacklist and whitelist specific IP addresses or ranges.

VirusBarrier Server 3 includes a copy of Intego VirusBarrier X6, which, installed on your server, allows you to set some additional options and gives you access to certain functions on the server.

Controlling Malware on a Mac OS X Server

VirusBarrier Server 3 works in several ways. While it watches over your server at all times, protecting you from viruses and malware, you can use the included VirusBarrier X6 client program to manually scan any disk or network volume at any time. You can also set up scheduled scans of both local and network volumes, and have scans run automatically when certain events occur, such as following updates to virus definitions.

Automatic Repairs, Quarantine or Deletion of Infected Files

You can choose how VirusBarrier Server 3 acts when malware is found: It can repair infected files automatically, quarantine them until an administrator can check them, or delete infected e-mail messages.

Scan Logs

VirusBarrier Server 3 provides complete logs of all activity, including the names and locations of malware and suspicious files it finds. It can send e-mail notifications to the recipient of your choice, alerting you to the presence of infected files as soon as it detects them.

Firewall Features

With VirusBarrier Server 3's powerful two-way firewall, you can use basic settings or set up complex rules, which allow you to filter network traffic granularly. Full logs show incoming and outgoing traffic, and the program's Antivandal feature steps in automatically when certain types of attacks are detected.


VirusBarrier Server 3 works with Intego's NetUpdate, which manages program updates and new threat filters automatically. You can set the update frequency in NetUpdate itself, so the program checks for updates daily, weekly or monthly. For more details, see the Intego Getting Started Manual.

VirusBarrier Server 3 Features

VirusBarrier Server 3 offers:

General Features:

Malware Protection:

Network protection:

Installing VirusBarrier Server 3

VirusBarrier Server 3 requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later, or Mac OS X Server 10.5 or later, running on an Xserve or any other Mac configured as a server. E-mail scanning is only available on Mac OS X Server's built-in e-mail server.

VirusBarrier Server 3 comes as a set of .pkg files which you can install on remote servers using Apple Remote Desktop or command-line tools. Before installing, you must accept the terms and conditions presented in the "License" file.

Your CD has three folders:

To install VirusBarrier Server 3 using Apple Remote Desktop 2.x or 3.x:

  1. Open Apple Remote Desktop.
  2. Select all the target servers.
  3. Choose Manage > Install Packages...
  4. Select the Intego packages you want to install.
  5. Click Install.

To install VirusBarrier Server 3 using command-line tools:

  1. Copy the packages to the remote server using ftp, afp or scp.
  2. Use the installer command line tool to install each package:
    sudo /usr/sbin/installer -pkg "/path/to/package.pkg" -target /
  3. Restart the server.

To uninstall VirusBarrier Server 3, use the uninstallation shell scripts included in the Remote Installation Packages & Utilities folder of the VirusBarrier Server 3 CD. They are:

You can run these scripts by double-clicking them on the server from which you want to uninstall the software, or by running them from Terminal.

Running VirusBarrier Server 3 in Evaluation Mode

VirusBarrier Server 3 offers an evaluation mode, to allow you to discover how the program works before purchasing it. When VirusBarrier Server 3 runs in evaluation mode, it functions for 30 days, during which it will not repair any files.

Connecting VirusBarrier Server Admin to Remote Servers

For VirusBarrier Server Admin to be able to connect to remote servers, it must be able to accept connections through ports 8500 and 8502 TCP. If servers use a firewall, including that which is part of VirusBarrier Server 3, this port must be open for VirusBarrier Server Admin to be able to access the servers.

Updating VirusBarrier Server 3 Threat Filters

VirusBarrier Server 3 uses Intego NetUpdate, which is installed with the program, to provide updates to the program's threat filters, as well as to the program itself. For information on using NetUpdate, see the Intego Getting Started Manual.

About Your Copy of VirusBarrier Server Admin

To get information about your copy of VirusBarrier Server 3, choose VirusBarrier Server Admin > About VirusBarrier Server Admin. It gives information about VirusBarrier Server, such as the version number, your support number (a number you will need for technical support), and a clickable link to send e-mail to Intego's support department.

Technical support

Technical support is available for registered purchasers of Intego products with valid subscriptions from the Intego Support page.

Using VirusBarrier Server 3 ››